Here is a thing I thought of today: Nostr is awesome because hard core power users and what they like about nostr won't really be affected by new people joining. Because there is not a central authority attempting to monetize a product for capital holders, the entire product won't be tailored to capture premium from the most users. You won't lose that experience you loved here on nostr (at least I hope). Sure, maybe a client will tailor a product to the Tik Tok Refugees, or some future instagram refugees...but the protocol and my experience that I like right now... I won't lose that. Because, you see, nostr is more like an octopus with many tentacles, as opposed to say, twitter for example, which is more like a whale. The whale is one mass that takes everyone to wherever its going, whether i want to or not. But, I can stay on my tentacle with the features, the people I want to talk to, the experience I enjoy and not get taken along for the ride. You dig ? #Tentacles , am i right ???

I love #NOSTR