The teachers in my nearby city of Portland, OR are probably going to strike starting this week ( not confirmed but deadline looms ). Portland is a city where the kids were out of school the longest in this country. I have many friends and family that work in the system ; they make it clear the kids were ruined by this absense. An entire generation of our State's youth caste aside.

And here we are on the brink of more school closure for these children, stressing already struggling families and setting these kids back yet again. I look on in utter disbelief as there is almost complete allegiance to the Portland Association of Teachers as they demand $200 million more than what the district can even possiboy offer ( the additional money doesnt exist!). The place that money would come from ? It would have to be higher taxation of the very community they are striking 'on behalf.' So if you are a struggling family that is now having to find daycare while the teachers picket, what do you do ?

I am embarrassed and ashamed for the State of Oregon if this strike goes through. End of rant 😮‍💨