#grownostr #moviestr

Last Friday I watched the movie 'Tremors' for the first time in about 20 years. It's a real great creature feature from right before usage of CGI became mainstream in such movies to make the effects and the monosters. There was one relatively simple moment though that made me basically spit my beer all over my the place. At one points early in the movie, the main characters and manly man heroes, Val and Earl, get out of their truck to enter the town market. On their way in, Earl (played by Fred Ward) turns to the local teenage troublemaker in town and non nonchalantly says 'Sup, pizzaface.' Imagining myself ..how soul crushing as a teenage boy being called Pizzaface by a grown man would have been made me laugh pretty hard. A great moment in a very fun movie.

Oh, and of course you've got Reba McEntire going HAM on some graboids too. Anyone else ran across some gems worth re-watching ?