I have been doing a lot of trial and error with existing nostr clients to attempt and find one that is suitable for creating hyper-local online communities using a private relay run by a dedicated community member where they can white-list users to be able to write notes on the relay. So far my testing has been very disappointing for this use case. I want a client where i can:

1. create an nsec through the client.
2. Choose my relays before loading notes ( no pre determined relays ) in the onboarding experience.
3. No bugs where there are relays that return to my relay list after configuration or 'Ghost' relays that seem to still feed notes to my nsec even when my relay list only shows my private relay.

Some clients didnt allow the updating of relays at all. Some clients did but there were always bugs with removing relays ( some returning, some persist even without ). Iris is the only one i had success setting up and not having issues but thats sad to think of trying to onboard friends and family through Iris and not amethyst / damus.

Sad realization for me that this use case seems to have been completely forgotten in the quest to make the twittergram 2.0 experience.

Still bullish on nostr but disappointed right now 😔 #nostr