Perhaps a week ago I posted a note that I was going to get a CD player for my 3 yr old daughter so that she can have her own collection of CDs and play music when she wanted...and learn a little basic autonomy with picking when and what to listen to, when to stop the music, and basic skills around taking care of things important to her such as the CDs and the player itself ( up to this point, she just asks me or her mom to play music and it magically comes out of our phones). I was able to get a cd player today that fits our needs perfectly! I was tempted to just go the amazon route but there was something so...awful feeling about buying a new CD player from amazon. Luckily, I was able to find one for sale on craigslist and made the trade in a super market parking lot. Now, I just need to get some CDs 😄

#grownostr #parentstr #plebchain #postyourWs