0xChat's native ecash wallet coupled with using npub.cash as a default for receiving zaps is fucking brilliant. the apps construction is a beautiful way of how to introduce a new user via curiosity ( when they receive their first zap ), then when they pop into the client native wallet there is a nice little 'claim your ecash' pop up. now, the user has ecash / sats and can proceed to explore sending their first zap. everything is in the client from the get go! can you up your setup to use nwc with your own node and load in your own lightning address? of course, but the point is you DONT MISS OUT and you dont feel like a fool asking naive questions ( even though people are incredibly nice here, it just sucks to have to ask its like being new at a job and having to ask what else you can do). everyone should take notice, serioisly. 🤙
